AlignBooks Key Capabilities


  • Sales/Billing

  • Purchases

  • Finance

  • Inventory

  • POS/Retail

  • JobWork

  • Production

  • HR/Payroll

  • Asset Management


  • Approvals

  • User Access & Privileges

  • Multi Currency

  • Multi Location

  • DashBoards & MIS

  • Email/SMS Notifications

  • User Defined Fields/Attributes

  • Import from Excel

  • Salesman/Agent Based Tracking

Join tomorrow’s India on the Cloud

  • Access from anywhere, anytime

    Work on the go anywhere, anytime and maximize your productivity

  • Always Secure

    We ensure top grade security with the most advance security systems

  • Auto Back Ups

    All your data and transactions are backed up in real time on our servers

  • Auto Updates

    All version upgrades are directly deployed without any disturbance to live systems

For more details visit here

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